How to Export from Logic Pro X

Exporting from Logic Pro X is simple. All you need to do is select the tracks or regions you want to export and choose Export from the File menu in the main project window. Within the export window, you have multiple options for how to export. 

My name is Donovan, and I have years of experience working with Logic Pro X. I write, record, and produce using the app and know through first-hand experience how to export and perform many other tasks.

This post will show you how to export from Logic Pro X. I’ll walk you through the easy steps to making this happen and provide you with some information on the various export options you have at your fingertips. 

Let’s get to it. 

Key Takeaways

  • Exporting in Logic Pro X is as easy as selecting the regions or tracks you wish to export and choosing an option from the Export section of the File menu. 
  • Knowing how to export allows you to send individual tracks within a Logic Pro project, and it is good to know how to do this as part of the mixing and writing process. 
  • You can export entire tracks or regions of a track, allowing you to send nearly any part of a project you want to share or save as a different file.  

How to Export from Logic Pro X

Exporting from Logic Pro X is really easy, and the app makes the process available within a few steps. Exporting your songs is great when you want to share music with others who might be working on the projects with you, so it’s good for everyone to know how to do this. 

Follow these steps to export from Logic Pro X. 

1. Open the Logic Pro X project with the tracks or regions you want to export. 

2. Select the tracks or track regions that you want to export. You do this by clicking on the tracks or regions. You can select multiple tracks or regions or just select and export one at a time. 

3. Select the File menu from the top of the main project window. 

4. Select Export

5. Choose which export option you want from the export menu that appears. 

(Screenshot taken in Logic Pro X on my Mac)

You have several options for exporting, such as exporting the track as an Audio File, exporting all tracks as audio files, exporting the project as an AAF file, and more. I’ll touch on what some of these are exactly in the sections below. 

Quick Tip: You can also use the shortcut and press Command E to export a selected track as an audio file.

6. Follow the prompts from any additional windows that appear relating to where you want to export the track or regions to and what type of format you want to use.  

How to Export All Tracks as One in Logic Pro

If you want to export all tracks as one stereo track in Logic Pro, you are really talking about bouncing rather than exporting. Bouncing will turn all of the tracks in your project into a single stereo track that can be easily shared and listened to on other devices.

Bouncing is also really easy, and the shortcut for that feature is Command B. You can check out my post on how to bounce tracks in Logic Pro X for more information on how to do this and some other related topics. 

You can also choose the All Tracks as Audio Files option from the export window. But this doesn’t turn all of the tracks into a single track; it turns all of the tracks into separate audio files without condensing them. 

How to Export Logic Pro X as WAV

When you export a track or region from your Logic Pro project, you’ll have several options for which type of file format you want to use. If you want to export as WAV files, follow the instructions below. 

1. Open the Logic Pro X project you want to export as a WAV file. 

2. Select the tracks or regions you want to export. 

3. Select the File menu. 

4. Select Export

5. Select Selection as Audio File. You’ll see the export window appear with additional options. 

6. Click on the Save Format drop-down menu from the Export window. 

7. Choose WAVE from the file format options.

(Screenshot taken in Logic Pro X on my Mac) 

8. Make any other export settings or changes you want to the tracks or regions from this window. 

9. Select Export

How to Export from Logic Pro X to MP3

If you want to export from Logic Pro X to MP3, you’ll need to use an MP3 converter. Logic Pro X doesn’t allow you to export directly as MP3, and the standard audio format for bouncing or exporting is AIFF. 

That doesn’t mean turning your Logic Pro projects into MP3s is impossible. You just can’t directly do it in the app. Some third-party apps allow you to convert many standard audio formats into other options, such as MP3s. 

How to Export Logic Pro X as ZIP

A ZIP file is a compressed file that reduces the file size and makes it easier to share a Logic Pro project. You can compress files and projects in Logic when you want to share them with others or send them through messaging apps. 

It’s a bit of a workaround to turn a Logic project into a ZIP file, and you can’t directly export it as a ZIP within Logic itself. Instead, you need to find the project file location in the Finder and compress it. 

Follow these steps to compress a Logic Pro X project. 

1. Locate the Logic Pro X project file you want to turn into a ZIP in the Finder. Note the save location of your project while working in Logic to make this easier. 

2. Select the file you want to compress. 

3. Select File from the menu at the top of the screen. 

4. Select Compress. You’ll see your options for compressing the file, and you can choose your settings from there.  

Logic Pro Bounce vs. Export

The bounce and export features are the two main ways of sharing files from Logic Pro X. If you are unfamiliar with the app, you probably don’t know or understand the difference between these.

Bouncing essentially turns your entire project into a single stereo track that can be more easily shared. Bouncing commonly occurs when you are near the completion of the project and want to listen to it on other devices or share it with people. 

Exporting relates to sharing individual tracks, either single or multiple, and doesn’t convert them into stereo tracks. Exporting occurs when you want to send tracks or regions in progress to other people who might be helping you mix or record. 


Here are a few short answers to some of the most commonly asked questions related to how to export from Logic Pro X. 

How do I export the highest quality in Logic Pro X?

When you see the export menu appear after you select export from the file menu, you’ll see the Save Format drop-down menu. The highest quality option here is AIFF, the standard option that appears if you don’t make any changes. 

How do I export audio and video from Logic Pro X? 

To export audio and video from Logic Pro X, you can select the Project as Final Cut Pro XML when you choose the export options from the file menu. This will allow you to export any audio or video in Logic into a format that can be used in Final Cut Pro. 

Final Thoughts

Knowing how to export from Logic Pro X is a must for anyone who wants to share their tracks with other musicians or producers. This feature allows you to send tracks as they exist in your project rather than converting them to stereo files. 

You have several options for exporting within Logic Pro and can choose these options directly in the export section of the File menu. Always remember where you save your exports so you can find them on your Mac to send or share later. 

Do you have any favorite or specific export settings you like to use in Logic Pro X? Let me know in the comments below.

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