Knowing the Logic Pro X keyboard shortcuts can help you improve your workflow and become more versed in using the app. You might not remember all of these, but keeping a list around will allow you to reference it when needed.
My name is Donovan, and I’m an experienced writer, engineer, and producer. I’ve worked with Logic Pro X for years and am very comfortable using the app. I know many of the keyboard shortcuts by heart and use them often.
This post will show you many of the Logic Pro X keyboard shortcuts. I’ll provide you with a list of them so you can use them when you are working on a project or trying to speed up your writing or recording workflow.
Let’s dive in.
Key Takeaways
- Knowing the Logic Pro X keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time when working in the app. They can improve your workflow and allow you to become a more efficient engineer or producer.
- You can customize keyboard shortcuts if you don’t want to use the regular shortcuts that are already set up. This is another way to improve workflow for any shortcuts you use often.
- Memorizing all of the keyboard shortcuts in Logic Pro X is a challenge, but having a quick reference sheet around allows you to access them quickly without knowing them by heart.
Logic Pro X Keyboard Shortcuts
Here is an extensive list of Logic Pro X keyboard shortcuts. You can use these as a type of cheat sheet if you don’t want to memorize all of them.
Action | Keyboard Shortcut |
Record | R |
Record/Record Toggle | *(Asterisk) |
Record Into Cell | Option-R |
Capture as Recording | Shift-R |
Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position | Command-.(period) |
Play/Stop | Space bar |
Play | Enter |
Stop | 0 |
Pause | . (period) |
Rewind | , (comma) |
Forward | V |
Preview Selection-Based Processing | Option-_ (underscore) |
Fast Rewind | Shift-, (comma) |
Fast Forward | Shift-. (period) |
Rewind by Transient | Control-, (comma) |
Got to Position | Z |
Play from Left Window Edge | Shift-Enter |
Set Punch in Locator by Rounded Playhead | Control-Option-Shift-Command-I |
Set Punch in Locator by Playhead | Control-Option-Command-I |
Set Punch Out Locator by Playhead | Control-Option-Command-O |
Set Punch Out Locator Point by Rounded Playhead | Control-Option-Shift-Command-O |
Set Rounded Locators by Regions/Evens and Enable Cycle | U |
Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle | Command-U |
Play from Selection | Shift-Space bar |
Move Locators Forward by Cycle Length | Shift-Command-. (period) |
Swap Left and Right Locator | = (equal) |
Move Locators Backwards by Cycle Length | Shift-Command-, (comma) |
Go to Selection Start | Control-home |
Go to Selection End | Control-end |
Go to Beginning | Return |
Go to End of Last Region | Option-Return |
Create Marker | Option-’ (apostrophe) |
Create Marker Without Rounding | Control-Option-’ (apostrophe) |
Create Marker for Selected Regions | Option-Shift-’ (apostrophe) |
Delete Marker | Option-Delete |
Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle | Control-Option-C |
Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle | Control-Option-, (comma) |
Go to Previous Marker and Set Locators | Option-, (comma) |
Got to Next Marker and Set Locators | Option-. (period) |
Got to Marker Number | Option-/ (slash) |
Rename Marker | Shift-’ (apostrophe) |
Go to Marker 1 | 1 |
Got to Marker 2 | 2 |
Go to Marker 3 | 3 |
Got to Marker 4 | 4 |
Got to Marker 5 | 5 |
Go to Marker 6 | 6 |
Got to Marker 7 | 7 |
Go to Marker 8 | 8 |
Go to Marker 9 | 9 |
Go to Marker 10 | Control-0 |
Got to Marker 11 | Control-1 |
Go to Marker 12 | Control-2 |
Go to Marker 13 | Control-3 |
Go to Marker 14 | Control-4 |
Go to Marker 15 | Control-5 |
Go to Marker 16 | Control-6 |
Go to Marker 17 | Control-7 |
Go to Marker 18 | Control-8 |
Go to Marker 19 | Control-9 |
Solo Mode | Control-S |
Set Solo Lock Mode | Option-S |
Reselect Solo-Locked Regions | Option-Shift-S |
Clear/Recall Solo | Control-Option-Command-S |
Cycle Mode | C |
Double Cycle/Loop Length | Option-Shift-Command-. (period) |
Halve Cycle/Loop Length | Option-Shift-Command-, (comma) |
Autophunch Mode | Control-Option-Command-P |
Replace | / (slash) |
Mute Off for All | Control-Shift-M |
Cycle Audition On/Off | Control-C |
MIDI/Monitor Metronome Click | K |
Count In | Shift-K |
Open Preferences | Command-, (comma) |
Region Inspector Float | Option-Shift-R |
Open Automation Preferences | Option-A |
Open Main Window | Command-1 |
Open Mixer | Command-2 |
Open Smart Controls | Command-3 |
Open Piano Roll | Command-4 |
Open Score Editor | Command-5 |
Open Audio File Editor | Command-6 |
Open Event List | Command-7 |
Open Project Audio | Command-8 |
Open Transform | Command-9 |
Open Environment | Command-0 |
Note Repeat | Control-Option-Return |
Spot Erase | Control-Option-Delete |
Show/Hide Mixer | X |
Show/Hide Musical Typing | Command-K |
Show/Hide Smart Controls | B |
Show/Hide Score Editor | N |
Show/Hide Piano Roll | P |
Show/Hide Loop Browser | O |
Show/Hide Staff Style Window | Control-Option-Shift-S |
Show/Hide Score Sets Window | Control-Option-Shift-I |
Show/Hide Step Input Keyboard | Option-Command-K |
Show/Hide Library | Y |
Show/Hide Audio File Editor | W |
Show Detailed Help | Command-/ (slash) |
Show/hide Quick Help | Shift-/ (slash) |
Open in External Sample Editor | Shift-W |
Open Tempo List | Option-Shift-T |
Open Key Commands | Option-K |
Show/Hide Colors | Option-C |
Enter/Exit Full Screen | Control-Command-F |
Open Movie | Option-Command-O |
Toggle Current Track Automation Off/Read | Control-Command-O |
Toggle Current Track Automation Latch/Read | Control-Command-A |
Set All Tracks to Automation Off | Control-Shift-Command-O |
Set All Tracks to Automation Read | Control-Shift-Command-R |
Set All Tracks to Automation Touch | Control-Shift-Command-T |
Set All Tracks to Automation Latch | Control-Shift-Command-L |
Track Automation Event List | Control-Command-E |
Toggle Automation Quick Access | Control-Option-Command-A |
Enable/Disable Automation Groups | Shift-G |
Open Group Settings | Option-Shift-G |
Close Window | Command-W |
Cycle Through Windows | Command-` (grave accent) |
Select Next Track | Down Arrow |
Select Previous Track | Up Arrow |
New Empty Project | Shift-Command-N |
New Project | Command-N |
Open | Command-O |
Project Settings | Option-P |
Close Project | Option-Command-W |
Save | Command-S |
Save Project As | Shift-Command-S |
Import | Command-I |
Command-P | |
Export All Tracks as Audio Files | Shift-Command-E |
Export Selection as MIDI File | Option-Command-E |
Export Track as Audio File | Command-E |
Zoom Window | Option-Command-M |
Import Audio File | Shift-Command-I |
Next Channel Strip Setting of Focused Track | Shift-] (right bracket) |
Previous Channel Strip Setting of Focused Track | Shift-[ (left bracket) |
Copy Channel Strip Setting | Option-Command-C |
Paste Channel Strip Setting | Option-Command-V |
Next Patch, Plugin Setting or Sampler Instrument | ] (right bracket) |
Previous Patch, Plugin Setting or Sampler Instrument | [ (left bracket) |
Toggle Channel Strip Mute | M |
Toggle Channel Strip Solo | S |
Toggle Channel Strip Input Monitoring | Control-I |
Toggle Channel Strip Format | Control-Shift-S |
Show/Hide All Plugin Windows | V |
Set Nudge Value to Bar | Control-Option-M |
Set Nudge Value to Beat | Control-Option-B |
Set Nudge Value to Tick | Control-Option-T |
Set Nudge Value to Division | Control-Option-D |
Set Nudge Value to SMPTE Frame | Control-Option-F |
Set Nudge Value to 0.5 SMPTE Frame | Control-Option-H |
Set Nudge Value to 1ms | Control-Option-1 |
Set Nudge Value to Sample | Control-Option-S |
Set Nudge Value to 10ms | Control-Option-0 |
Stop all Cells | Command-Return |
Toggle Activation of all Tracks | Control-Option-Shift-T |
Logic Pro X Custom Key Commands
The table above shows all of the key commands as they are set up when you first purchase and start using Logic Pro X. But you can also customize things if you want to switch these up and develop your own personal shortcuts.
Follow these steps to set up custom key commands in Logic Pro X.
1. Open a new or existing Logic Pro X project.
2. Select Logic Pro from the main menu at the top of the project window.
3. Select Key Commands.
4. Select Edit.
5. You’ll see an entire list of key commands here. You can select whatever command you want to change and enter your custom command in place of what is existing.
Logic won’t let you save a custom command if that command is already assigned to an action, but you can change up as many as you want if the commands are free.
Final Thoughts
Knowing a few keyboard shortcuts can give you an advantage when you are working through complicated recording or producing settings. And the more of them you know, the more improved your workflow will become.
I’ve never really used the custom key commands option in Logic Pro X, but if you don’t like a particular shortcut, this option is worth taking advantage of.
Do you use keyboard shortcuts in Logic Pro X? How many do you think you have memorized? Let me know in the comments below.